

ENSTIB – The globally–orientated wood sector engineering school

Enstib is the only public engineering school to offer courses preparing general engineers and researchers to face the challenges met by businesses in wood and  forestry sectors and natural fibres industries. Enstib’s constant collaboration with research laboratories, technical transfer centres and industry on the Campus make it a catalyst for developing innovation.

An important part of students’ training and Enstib’s activities originates in the interaction between students, teachers and ongoing collaboration with partners both academic and industrial at an international level.

At the end of their first year, all students enrolled in an engineering course (whether full-time or apprenticeship) will have done an 8 – 12-week internship in a non French-speaking country.

Enstib boasts multiple academic partnerships with renowned foreign institutes (21 Erasmus agreements, 3 double diploma agreements, 10 international exchange agreements), which together with our involvement in several international networks, such as Agreenium, Innovawood, NFZ, Erasmus Forestry Network, afford our engineering students the possibility to further their skills through exchanges, degree mobility or overseas internships.

Enstib aims to further boost the school’s international aspect by creating an all new course entirely taught in English and by opening part of its specialization credits in English. This is just one reason why Enstib is a favoured partner for foreign institutes looking to develop exchanges and partnerships in the wood science sector.